Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of The Movie Man On Wire - 1394 Words

The movie, Man on Wire is a documentary about wire-walker, Philippe Petit, who proves his impossible, yet inspiring dream above the clouds between the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers was indeed possible. During this documentary, Petit magically walked and danced across a wire, leaving the audience filled with suspense and extremely sweaty palms. This project, completed by James Marsh, was truly a job well done, because of the way he has Petit narrate the documentary and how he recounts the events that unfold. This film kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time because of the way the events were revealed by cross-cutting between flashbacks that explain to the audience a little about what is going on, rushing towards the unfolding of the morning before the adventure. Supplemental to the vast amount of historical footage in the film, Marsh uses several aesthetics of realism such as voiceovers, on-camera interviews, textual information on screen to display facts, mise-en-sce ne, handheld cameras, natural lighting, existing footage, real people and diegetic sounds. Throughout the film, the filmmaker’s obvious goal is not only about telling a story about a man, but more significantly about an overall attitude towards life that refuses to acknowledge limits and boundaries. James Marsh tells this amazing and brave story using film techniques like existing images, on-camera interviewing, real people, and mise-en-scene that create a truth about the world; a world where everythingShow MoreRelatedThe Film War Horse By Michael Morpurgo1575 Words   |  7 Pagesused, to express visually the different scenes and emotions present. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Conceptions of cold war

Question: Overview As your Reading and Discussions point out, one of the biggest issues that citizens and politicians confronted during the 1960s was the Cold War, which might be defined as the geopolitical tensions and proxy wars fought between the United States and the Soviet Union. Indeed, for anyone who grew up during the 1950s, 60s, or 70s, the Cold War was a household topic everyone seemed to understand. Assignment The purpose of this Assignment is to analyze how people understand the Cold War today. For example, what do everyday people today think of when they hear Cold War? Answer: Conceptions of cold war Cold war has been a matter which holds a significant part in the history of the world. But what is one of the main concerns in todays world is that how much we know about something that has been such an important part of the history. When people have been asked about different phrases of cold war, and also about what they understand when they hear the term, different people responded differently. Some were close to being right and some were far away. Cold war as we all know was something that represented a conflict in two extreme ideologies, capitalism and communism which gave rise to bitter and hostile feelings amongst the two most powerful countries of the world(What was the Cold War?, 2014) Usually schools always land up giving a brief knowledge about some or the aspect of cold war, but not everything is remembered by the people. Britain and USSR, and an iron curtain(Churchill) between then, seeds of hostility, where its not a war but there is no peace either was something that was known as the cold war was a definition provided by an interviewee who happens to be pretty aware of what the cold war is. Cold war? What is that? Some kind of war maybe? In the cold areas! was what another respondent said finally cold war, was the time when people were silently fighting to become the power block of the world, after the second world war, trying to get each country on their side, and a situation of hot peace existed showing that this respondent too has some knowledge about it. The perfect definition has been given in our reading material of the cold war. When we look at the definition we see that the first and the third respondent were pretty near to the definition of the cold war and have a clear understanding of the phase of history that took place after the Second World War. We see that their understanding is pretty clear, except the one who doesnt even have a clue about what the cold war is. Its either of the extreme, either people know exactly what it is, or they dont at all. We saw that the respondents had some idea about what the cold war is and used phrases like seeds of hostility(The Cold War) and hot peace(Betts) show us that they have to some extent the idea of what cold war actually was. Other respondent seems to be pretty ignorant about the whole matter. When it comes to topics like the cold war, it has to be noted that the primary and secondary education plays an important role in spreading the knowledge about the different phases of history to students in general(The Cold War for Kids ). If this wasnt the case, only the students of history would have known about it. But like mentioned above the schools and the colleges usually provides the kind of knowledge that gives people the basic idea of things. The ignorance that is also seen in the respondent is also a result of what might not have been paid attention too. Usually people of different age brackets have different views on the given topic. Here we have considered only three respondents, first one being a college student, second a working personnel and third a college dropout. It was the working personnel who have least idea about the cold war, which does not even come near to the actual definition of cold war. Usually when we look up for the definitions of cold war we see that this was more like a disaster that arose because of the given situation, which was the quest for power and an aim to bring the different countries of the world on its side(COLD WAR). The mentioning of the parts like the time of cold war, and the parties of the cold war, and what it actually was tells us that the respondents because of their primary education know exactly what cold war is. References Betts, R. K. (n.d.). From Cold War to Hot Peace: The Habit of American Force. Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from Churchill, W. (n.d.). Cold War 1946 Churchill delivers Iron Curtain speech. Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from COLD WAR. (n.d.). Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from The Cold War. (n.d.). Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from The Cold War for Kids . (n.d.). Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from What was the Cold War? (2014). Retrieved 3 6, 2015, from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Debut Albums and Cue Card free essay sample

Which part of your house do you like the most? Why? What makes your house pleasant? Do you Like sports? Describe the kind of spots people do In your country. Why? Have you ever tried any sport? Do you think sport affects the person doing it? Is there any sport you would like to try? Cue Card Describe how you usually communicate with your friends. Please say: Are you communicating by phone, letters or e-mails?What are the advantages and disadvantages of these ways? Do your friends agree with this way of communication? Which way do they prefer? Discussion Compare letter-writing nowadays and 100 years ago. What do you think about the future of letter-writing? ; Can you tell me your full name? Do you work or study? Would you recommend that job to others? What places of entertainment have you visited lately? What entertainment facilities are there in your city? What other places would you Like there to be? Do you always take a bag with you when you go out? ; Do you always take the same bag, even to different occasions?What is important to you when you choose a bag? Talk about a book you have read and would like to read again. Please say- What book What Is It about? What did you learn from It? ; Explain why would you like to read it again? Do you think that men and women like to read the same type of books? Do you think that reading a book is more challenging than watching a movie based on the book? Why do you think some books become internationally popular? Do you think What is your full name? Tell me about the town you live in. Can you tell me about your relatives and cousins? Who did you like the most from your relatives as a child?Describe the Journey you were on as a child. Please say: Where did you go? Who was there with you? How was that Journey? Why do you still remember that Journey? What benefits can a person get when they travel? What are the ways of traveling in your country? Do you think travel will change in the next 50 years? What is your hometown? How big is your family? What Job do you do? What type of clothes do you prefer? Talk about any historical event. Please say What was the event? Where did it take place? When did it occur? How does the history affect us? Have you ever been to a museum? What did you learn from it? Should museums be free for everyone? What should people send too museum in the future? Interview Where do you prefer to live, in a house or a flat? Why? What is your favorite place in your house? Why? Describe a beautiful place of nature that you want to visit. Please say Where is it? Whom are you going with? What can you see there? How can we preserve places of natural beauty? How can we protect places of natural beauty? Do you agree that mining should be prohibited in these areas? How can we stop How can we add more natural beauty to the city? Why have you chosen your area of studies? Do you buy clothes over the internet? What is your favorite style? Is fashion becoming more important nowadays? Describe your favorite TV show that you enjoy watching regularly. Please say What is it about? When is it shown? W hy do you like it? Is TV losing its popularity to online broadcasting? Why? Are there any advantages of TV for lonely people? Are there any dangers of TV for lonely people? Do you think people will watch less TV in the future? What do you need to do to make your house look better? What do you like the most about your village? Tell me about the elementary school you went to. Did you visit your school recently? What do you miss from your school days? Are you in contact with your school friends? Talk about the most difficult thing that you have done recently. Please say What was What skills did you need to do it? Why was it important to you to finish this task? Why do you like to do it? How did you feel after completing it? What response did you get from friends and colleagues? What can I call you? What do you think about the developments in your hometown currently? What do you think about weddings in your country? What do you think about weddings in the past? What do you think about the weddings at present? Who do you invite to the wedding? Talk about a famous person in your country. Please say: Who is he/she? What is he/she doing? Why is he/she so famous? How do you think people become famous? What are the problems they face? Why do they want to be famous? What is your home town? What was it like in the past to live in your home town? How did the situation improve now? What do you think about dieting? What do you think about healthy food as opposed to fast food? Is there a difference between healthy foods in the pa st and now? Cue Card Talk about your leisure time. Please say Where do you spend it? Whom do you spend it with? Do you enjoy spending it this way? Are young and older generations using their leisure time differently? How will What city are you from? Do you like living there? Please tell me about your city and its development.Describe what kind of exercises people do in your country. What exactly do they do? Where do they usually do it? Why do they do these particular exercises? I was asked questions on health. What is the difference between the types of exercises that young and old people do? Do you like your Job? What part particularly do you like about it? Would you like to do the same Job in the future? Why do people change their behavior when they are in the company of other people? Why do young people find it important to be part of a group? Cue Card Talk about a holiday or vacation you spent in a group of other people.Please say How was it? Where was it? W hat was so nice about it? Many companies work together trough global trading, what do you think about it? Why do you think do they do it? Is it a positive or a negative trend? What is your name? How would you like me to call you? Which part of the country do you come from? What kind of house would you like to live in? Why? Which part of the house do you like? Why? Lets talk about walking. Do you like walking? Why? Did you go for walks in your native country? What makes you think walking is necessary? Talk about your favorite movie.Please say What movie is that? What is it about? How does it make you feel? Who do you think likes to watch movies more, is it the old or the young generation? Why? Do you prefer to watch movies in the cinema or at home? Why? What would be a good way to explain a concept to a person: through a movie or by reading a book on the topic? Why? Interview What motivated you to take this Job? Would you like to continue in the same profession in the future? What is your favorite color? Why do you like this color? Did you like the same color when you were younger? Do you like flowers? What is your favorite flower? When was the last time that you gave flowers to somebody? Cue Card 1 Describe an item you would buy if you received a large amount of money. Pleases say: What is it? Why would you buy it? How would you feel about buying thi s item? Discussion 1 Is it easy to get rich nowadays? What do you need to get rich: luck or hard work? Cue card 2 Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching. Please say event? Where did you watch it? Whom did you watch it with? Why did you enjoy watching it? Cue card 3 : What was the Describe a present you have given to someone recently.Please say Why did you choose it? How did the person feel about it? Discussion 3 : What was it? How have todays economy affected the tradition of giving gifts? What are the most popular presents that people give nowadays? What is the future trend of this tradition? Where do you live? Is it an apartment or a house? What room do you like the most? Why do you like your home? Have you ever driven a car? What kind of car do you prefer? Why? Talk about science subjects that you learned in high school. Please say What subjects did you learn? Did you like any of these subjects? Describe your teachers.What do you think about child rens view of science these days? Do you think nowadays schools do not give proper science education? What steps for improvement would you consider? What is the adults view of science, do you think? Who is interested more in current developments in science businessmen or regular people? What steps are needed to draw regular peoples attention to science? Interview What is your favorite room? Why? What do you like about your house? Do you like relaxing? How do you I relax? Do you think people today can relax as often as in the past? What meal do you prefer: lunch or dinner?Do you think breakfast is important? Talk about science subjects you were taught in secondary or high school. Please say What were the subjects? Were the teachers good? Did you like the courses? Did your friends like the courses as much as you did? Do you think science has helped the world globally? Do you think the media can influence people positively? What has science contributed to the world? What do you think science has helped us to achieve? What do you do? Why did you choose to do this? Will you stay in this field in the future? Where did you grow up? Do you like this place?What dont you like about this place? Talk about a happy event in your childhood. Please say What was it? Where did it happen? Who were there with you? Do you like music? Is music important in your life? Do you like to keep your childhood keepsakes? Why do people keep them? Do you think old photographs important, as a memory? How has advancement in technology affected our children? Do you think it is important to have advancement in technology? How are young people coping with technology dev elopment? What can we do to assist them? What is your favorite color? Did it change since you were a child?How would you feel if your room was black? What was your favorite toy as a child? Did you prefer to play on your own or with other children? Why? What toys would you buy to your children? Describe a Job that you would like to do. Please say What Job is it? What skills do you need to do it? Why would you like to do this Job? Why this is it important to you? What are the consequences of globalization for employees? Did employees become more culturally sensitive? What career would you like to have? Is it important for people to like their Jobs? How could the person know that he/she would like the Job?What do you think about aptitude tests? What are the advantages of working in a team? Some team members want to share the responsibilities but not the rewards. When do you think this happens? Interview Do you live in an apartment or a house? Tell me why do you like your room? Tell me what do you like about your compound? Describe a business that you would like to start. Please say Why do you want to do Who would be your customers, mostly? What motivates employees the most in their work place? Are there any benefits to working in a team or a group? What do you like about your Job?What things do you like about your native place? Why? What is the one thing that you dislike in your native place? Why? If you would have a chance, what would you study in the future? Why? Cue Card Talk about an old person by whom you are influenced. Please say Who is he/she? When did you meet him/her? Why were you inspired by him/her? Why did you select this Job? What would you like to do in the future? What were your favorite toys as a child? Did you prefer playing with your friends or on your own? What can you learn from toys? Describe an old person that you like. Please say Explain why is he/she interesting to you?What is the normal age for being c onsidered old in your country? What is the normal age for retirement? Why dont old people respect young people? Do old people Just think they dont get respect or do young people genuinely disrespect them? Interview Where do you live at the moment? Is it a house or an apartment? Why did you choose to live in a house? Which room do you like the most, in the house? Did you visit your school since you have graduated? Do you still in contact with your classmates? How? Do you like flowers? Why? Have you ever given flowers to anybody? When was it?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Day I Was Born free essay sample

Today, I am going to tell you a little bit about myself and the year I was born. My name is Jack, 27 years old and I am extremely terrified right now. I was born in July 7th 1984. It seems like I am the oldest student in this class. As I am an international student, I grew up in Korea until 21 and went to a Korean army as a gunner and came to the U. S. I studied in Seattle for 3 years and moved to Corvallis three month ago. I am a senior student and majoring in Finance. That was pretty much about myself. Now, I am going to tell you two interesting events in the year I was born First, Macintosh computer was released in 1984. The Macintosh was introduced by the now famous Ridley Scott television commercial first. Two days after the 1984 ad aired, the Macintosh went on sale. It came bundled with two applications designed to show off its interface: MacWrite and MacPaint. We will write a custom essay sample on The Day I Was Born or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was first demonstrated by Steve Jobs in the first of his famous Mac Keynote speeches. Right after the release of Macintosh, Apple Company became very popular. Third, On January 27, 1984, Michael and other members of the Jacksons filmed a Pepsi Cola commercial. While Michael was filming in front of a full house of fans during a simulated concert, pyrotechnics accidentally set Jacksons hair on fire. He suffered second-degree burns to his scalp. Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars on his scalp, and he also had his third rhinoplasty shortly thereafter. Jackson never recovered from this injury. In conclusion, preparing this presentation was good experience for me, I learned more about history happened the year I was born which I never cared about. The day I was born free essay sample The scramble, the chaos, the disarray, everyone rushing to the hospital all because of me! Well, all that happened 18 years ago on a sunny day 28th of June 1995 at 04:20 am at Ãâ€"stra hospital in Gothenburg. My heart felt mother - gave birth to an awesome, wonderful, amazing son. My mom says that I had head full of hair and looked like a fur ball. With that, I was 4kg baby. My parents named me after my fathers friend named , him and my father were very close when they lived in the same village in Jericho, Palestine, and when my father moved to Sweden, him and no longer had the friendship they use to have. That is why my name is Faris. My middle name is , and that is also my fathers name. It is pretty much arabic tradition that the sons and daughters gets the fathers name as a middle name. We will write a custom essay sample on The day I was born or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But there are exceptions for example, my brother - middle name is Peter, my sister middle name is Sanna, and my other sisters middle name is Lena. I find it pretty funny that they have swedish middle names. My mom says she really didn’t have any certain cravings, but that she always was craving food and never gained the weight she should of with the amount of food she ate. She said that one time she woke up in the middle of the night and was craving cheeseburges, so my dad went out and bought some taco bell for her, and once he came back she didn’t want it anymore and wanted an arabic dish called Mlokhie. My dad went to the kithen to cook the dish for her and once he was done, my mom was sleeping and didn’t eat any of it. I was born last of six children, so you can easily say that my family is the big stereotypical arab family. So during my upbringing you can say that I got a lot of beatings from my sibling. When I was born we lived in an apartement in Hà ¶gsbo, and now, 18 years later, me and my father are still living here. The first months of my life was pretty difficult for me and my parents, when  I was only two weeks old I got my first illness, it was the whooping cough, and I spent over a month in the hospital after that, but life went on and here I am, writing an essay that is more than a week late. (sorry Mats) June 28 was a dull day, nothing special happened that day that was worth mentioning. But only one day after I was born the Sampoong Department Store collapsed, it was located in South Korea. The collapse is the largest peacetime disaster in South Korean history as 502 people died and 937 were injured. It was the deadliest building collapse until the September 11 attacks in New York City. This is really horrible, and I had actually never heard of this accident before I was doing this essay. Celebrity wise, my birthday was kind of dull to, the only name I recognize on the list of celebrities with the same birthday as me is Mel Brooks, and I dont even know how I know him. So today is 16th of september, exactly 6655 days after I was born, and I still have a head full of hair, just hoping that I dont look like a fur ball.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

See Some Triboluminescence Examples

See Some Triboluminescence Examples You may be familiar with the Wint-O-Green Lifesaverâ„ ¢ spark in the dark, but if you dont have Lifesavers handy, there are other ways you can see triboluminescence. Triboluminescence results from the fracture of (usually) asymmetrical materials. The break separates electrical charges, which recombine and ionize the air. The ionization of nitrogen in the air produces ultraviolet light, but you cant see that. You can observe triboluminescence when another material is present that absorbs that ultraviolet light and re-releases it in the visible range (fluoresces). Here are some examples: Cracking Wint-O-Green LifesaversCrush a wintergreen-flavored Lifesaver candy with your teeth or a hammer. You get triboluminescence whenever you smash sugar, but there usually isnt enough light for you to see it. The methyl salicylate in the wintergreen oil is fluorescent and converts the ultraviolet light into blue light. If you cant find this flavor of Lifesavers, you can use sugar with wintergreen oil or clove oil.Unwapping a Band-Aidâ„ ¢Some Band-Aid wrappers will emit a blue-green glow when they are unwrapped quickly. While you can unwrap the bandage in the dark, youll probably want to turn the lights back on before applying to a wound!Cutting a DiamondThis is not something most of us are likely to do, but some diamonds will fluoresce blue or red when being rubbed or, more usually, cut.Unrolling Friction TapeFriction tape is that cloth tape that has a rubber adhesive such that it is sticky on both sides. It can be used as an electrical insulator, but youll usually see it in t he context of sports, to wrap hockey sticks, tennis rackets, baseball bats, etc. If you unroll friction tape in the dark youll observe a glowing line as the tape is pulled away from the roll. Opening Sealed EnvelopesThe adhesive used to seal some envelopes will fluoresce blue as the contact is broken.Remove Ice from the FreezerThis is an example of fractoluminescence, which is sometimes considers synonymous with triboluminescence. Fractoluminescence is light produced by fracturing a crystal. The fracture separates charge. If enough charge is separated, an electrical discharge may occur across the gap. If you remove ice from a freezer in a dark room, you may see flashes of white light accompanying the crackling sounds of ice undergoing rapid thermal expansion.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social work and human services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social work and human services - Essay Example Critical reflection is where attention is paid to not only one aspect but one looks at the whole picture of feeling, thinking, acting and believing. In reflection, one looks at only one aspect and focuses on it fully such as the perspective of the knowledge. This leads to an in depth analysis of the area of focus and shapes this knowledge. Reflexive on the other hand is the whole process of researching the area of reflection and influencing it. During the reflexive research, questions about the knowledge are raised, examination of the consequences understood and this is almost similar to looking and understanding the whole picture as is the case with critical reflection (McMahon, 2002). In all the three aspects of reflection, the important thing to remember is to be objective when carrying out the processes. I learnt a whole lot more about values in this lecture that they are not only about the standards of behaviour which I have always known but they involve the beliefs that people may be holding valuable and they can be changed. The perfect example which I got a chance to learn is about the Australians and their values, how intrinsic there are to their own culture and needs and hence making them different from the values of for example the Americans (Dalton, et al, 1996). When dealing with values, it is important to understand how they relate to positive changes, how they influence the quality of services, the environment, the choice an individual should make their privacy or even their diversity with others. All these core values are tied up with the ethical practice and make the individual hold better choices. It is important to always ensure social justice, upholding of professional integrity as well as respecting other people in addition to upholding the other code of ethics in place (Garton, 1994). Learning about ethics has made me realize that ethics is not simply about the ethical theories alone but is tied down with the values mentioned